|  Sammlung Weltensands Book Project |  | The book launch Sammlung Weltensand - The Journey took place during the KunstRAI in Amsterdam. The author Abdelkader Benali, who wrote the foreword of the book, received the first copy.
Order this book via: e-mail to info@weltensand.com
|  Sammlung Weltensand Foundation | The mission of the Foundation is to:
- promote the artwork of Elvira Wersche.
- help Elvira Wersche in all possible means in the realization of her projects.
- form a group of friends (donators / sponsors) and assistants.
- raise funds in order to let realize an art book about the sand projects.
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| The Foundation plans to raise a growing group of FRIENDS who will support the goals of the foundation. If you are struck by the projects of Elvira Wersche, do not hesitate to become a FRIEND and donate to the Sammlung Weltensand Foundation.
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| | “Transform yourself into a stranger! Travel! It is the only way to renew yourself”! from a poem by Abu Tammam
“Jede Kultur findet ihren Ursprung in der Vermischung, in Interaktion, in Konfrontation. In der Isolation dagegen stirbt die Zivilisation. Das Erfahren des Anderen ist das Geheimnis für Veränderung.”
"Every culture has its origins in mixing, in interaction, in confrontation. In isolation however civilization is dying. The experience of the other is the secret for change."
Octavio Paz, aus einem Essay über Kunst und Kultur Octavio Paz, from an essay on art and culture |
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Contact the webmaster: webmaster@weltensand.com | Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. | Last update Friday, September 11, 2020 |