Electron |  | - 2012 (February 27th / May 29th)
- end performance on May 5th 2012
- Exhibition: Swept Away; Dust, Ashes, and Dirt in Contemporary Art and Design
- Link: Museum of Arts and Design
- New York, USA
- Material: sand gathered from about150 countries / places of the world
- Size: 7,2 * 3,6 meters
- over 200 hours labor (incl. preparations)
- Photo: MAD Museum
- Video: MAD Museum
| Electron |
| | Elvira brought gray sand from the center of OLD AMSTEDAM to former NEW AMSTERDAM... The 8 triangles around this octagon contain sand from Ground Zero / New York The Electron project was finalized on March 9th 2012 with ground Amber (Greek = Electron) and sand from countries in recent revolt: Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Tunisia... |
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